my dreams, careers and jobs.

When I was a kid I would have liked to be a lot of things, soccer player, musician, scientific, power ranger etc., but these tastes were more than passengers and I never decided on something specific (in my infancy). Some time before to applying to the university, maybe two years before I knew I had to study something, so my options were geography, sociology and anthropology, also I liked in that moment and I like now quantum physics, but I discard the option of studying physics because I'm not very good with numbers. Finally I decided to study Anthtropology because I like the indigenous people studies, I entered in University of Chile and I have liked a lot this experience, I want to work with some extinct cultures in south.


  1. What a great dream be a power rangers hahaha!
    How cool!
    I wanted to be a postman hahaha!

  2. anthropology is a beautiful career, but sociology is the best! hahahaha

  3. I like your idea of work about extinct culture in the south,is interesting. I recommend you a documentary called, El botón de Nacar


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